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About Us


Refurbished DAC Equipment

Can Buyer

Surge Hoppers

Surge Systems

Glass Breakers

Special Machinery

Ancillary Equipment

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Designers and Manufacturers of Quality Recycling Equipment

278 Donohoe Road, Greensburg, PA 15601

Phone: 724-834-8080, Fax: 724-834-8907, E-mail: densacan@densacan.com

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Dens-A-Can offers four models of densifiers that will suit your business and volume.  All are available with or without an attached conveyor/separator, three models offering the capability to densify both aluminum and steel food and beverage containers.

bundbisc.JPG (97918 bytes) Aluminum Cans

Steel Cans

Tin Cans

Aerosol Cans


Dens-A-Can densifiers produce highly compacted biscuts that are twice the density of normal baling.  They return a premium price and are approved by all leading aluminum producers, de-tinners, and the Steel Can Recycling Institute.  The biscuits feature banding grooves for ease of stacking and the bundles do not need a pallet to transport!





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